Event category: All CLAHS
First Friday Pizza Forum: Justin Horn, “Is it Wrong to Eat Meat?”
Each month, a faculty member gives a short talk on a philosophical topic, followed by informal discussion over free pizza and soda. All are welcome! Sponsor: Department of Philosophy
Uncomfortable Knowledge in Science & Policy
2024 STEP keynote UNCOMFORTABLE KNOWLEDGE IN SCIENCE & POLICY Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr. Thursday, April 11th at 4pm Tune in over Zoom or join the watch party in Latham Hall (light snacks provided). Registration required: https://forms.gle/86wNhpPww3jdYGNx5 Sponsored by Virginia Tech’s +Policy Network. Generously co-sponsored by the School of Public and International Affairs, and the Department of Political Science. […]
CLAHS Awards Ceremony
The College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences invites you to attend the awards ceremony and reception honoring this year’s winners of the Certificate of Teaching Excellence, Excellence in Research and Creative Scholarship Award, Excellence in Advising Award, Excellence in Outreach & International Initiatives Award, College Staff Award, Diversity Award, and Land Grant Scholar Award. […]
VT Ethics Bowl Case Competition, Championship Round
The final round of the annual VT Ethics Bowl Case Competition, in which teams of students compete in presenting ethical analyses of contemporary issues. The top three teams will receive scholarship prizes. The event is free and open to the public. Sponsors: College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences; Department of Philosophy; Kellogg Center for […]
First Friday Pizza Forum: Jordan MacKenzie, “The Ethics of Taking a Joke”
Each month, a faculty member gives a short talk on a philosophical topic, followed by informal discussion over free pizza and soda. All are welcome! Sponsor: Department of Philosophy
CLAHS Trivia Night
The College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences is hosting a FREE trivia night for all CLAHS students, faculty, and staff! Assemble your department/school team and get ready to face off against other departments in the college for a friendly game of trivia, MC’ed by quizmaster Dean Laura Belmonte. All participants can partake in pizza […]
You are invited to join CEUTS for our first EuroVisions event, Thursday, March 14th from 5:30 – 7:00 in the Newman Libary’s Goodall Room (formerly the multipurpose room.) We will hear brief presentations from some of our colleagues and affiliated faculty about their research, have some snacks and non-alcholic drinks, and mingle! This event is […]
Pre-Law Event: Law Panel
Virginia Tech’s pre-law chapter of Phi Alpha Delta is hosting a law panel on March 18, 2024, at 7:00 pm in Hahn Hall North Wing room 130. At this event, the panelists will talk about the law school application and admissions processes, life at law school, and life after law school followed by a question-and-answer session. This year’s panelists will include representatives from the University […]
Exhibit – “Hidden in Plain Sight: the politics of memorialization of slavery in Charleston, SC”
Laura Zanotti and Zuleka Woods are pleased to announce the opening at the VT library of an exhibit entitled “ Hidden in Plain Sight: the politics of memorialization of slavery in Charleston, SC.” The exhibit interrogates how and where enslaved people and their descendants’ stories are narrated in Charleston, the port of entry for more […]
Laura Zanotti & Zuleka Woods Present – Hidden in plain sight: the politics of memorialization of slavery in Charleston, SC
Roundtable discussions by: Dr. Brandy Faulkner, Department of Political Science-VT Dr. Audrey Reeves, Department of Political Science-VT Dr. Gena Chandler, Department of English-VT Ms. Jane Goette, Independent Scholar, Teacher and Writer Narratives regarding the institution of slavery and enslaved people’s contribution to the making of America are often understated in public memories. This project explores […]